The 13th Annual WCAworld Worldwide Conference 2024, saw a remarkable 4,500+ members gather in Dubai, UAE, for a week of networking and collaboration from 27th Feb to 2nd Mar 2024. The event saw members from over 180 countries come together for its renowned 1-on-1 business meetings, with over 70,000 pre-arranged meetings successfully conducted, along with social networking and learning and training opportunities.
OV Logistics was represented by our Group General Manager and Group Business Development Manager, at the event. A total of more than 100 business meetings were by our OV Logistics representatives, over 1-2-1 business meetings as well as discussions beyond the pre-arranged 1-2-1 meetings. The team also took the opportunity to meet up with OV Logistics existing partners during the conference. Overall, it was a fruitful conference with some partners already started collaborations with OV Logistics immediately after the conference.